SESSION 4 - The Practice of Consistency

1 year ago

Session 4A
Title: We All Need a Little Motivation

Modeling consistency will provide our children with the tools they need to live lives that are characterized by courageous, Christ-like behavior.

In this session, we’ll answer these questions and more…
What are the two types of motivation that will bring about changed behavior?
What is the difference between “can and can’t” and “should and shouldn’t?”
Why is it so important for our children to be motivated by the love of virtue?

Key Point: As parents, we must judiciously use the fear of punishment to bring about a sincere love of virtue.

Session 4B
Title: It’s Never Too Early to Start

If we model consistency when our children are very young, the oldest children will then provide positive peer pressure in our homes.

In this session, we’ll answer these questions and more…
What is the end goal as we teach our children Christ-like character?
How is moral muscle memory developed?
Why is simple repetition of key phrases more effective than creativity?

Key Point: Instructing our children in a simple 5 to 10 word sentence will help them to be more successful in their obedience.

Session 4C
Title: Kicking Those Old Habits

Putting off old habits and putting on new biblical habits will raise the standard of Christ-like character in our homes.

In this session, we’ll answer these questions and more…
What types of behaviors are we to “put-off”?
Where can we find the character that we should be incorporating?
If we want to see true biblical change in our lives, how should we change our prayer lives?

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