Will A.I. Really Help Your Business Grow In 2023? (Episode #302)

1 year ago

Welcome to Wolfe’s Watch, the interactive livestream for business owners and Chief Executive Officers seeking ways to at least double their business sales in 2023! If you're looking to enhance your marketing strategies and up your game in the highly competitive world of business, you're in the right place. And bring you questions and comments because this is 21st century TV – LIVE AND INTERACTIVE!
In this episode, we're joined by John Limbocker, found of Internet Dominators, John is a marketing expert who has pioneered modern marketing strategies utilizing the latest AI technologies. We dive deep into the world of new AI tools, like ChatGPT, and how these cutting-edge tools can increase sales while reducing your time working on new marketing strategies.

Do you want to increase your sales without working more hours leading your Team?
The live demonstration shared in the Episode shows you one way to do it, in detail. Then you get the “behind the scenes” on how it was done in John’s updated book, “AI Automation Marketing: The Unfair Advantage.” This eBook was updated, AGAIN, the day of this live broad cast. In it John not only details all the AI tools discussed used in his demonstration, but many more tested along the way. And you get a free downloadable version of his book as our way of saying “THANK YOU!” for being part of the Conversation!!

John also breaks down the fundamentals of marketing and shows you why implementing AI tools is crucial for maximizing customer engagement and increasing conversion rates to paying Customers.

Not only will this episode empower you with the knowledge you need to stay ahead of the curve, and the ability to get results, but you’ll also get free access to John’s break down of the AI ChatBot prompts used to create the demonstration he gives during our conversation. Just claim your free copy of his just-update eBook, “AI Automation Marketing: The Unfair Advantage.”

So get ready to unlock the full potential of your business as we reveal the behind-the-scenes tricks of AI-based marketing strategies. This episode is not to be missed!
Make sure to join us by subscribing to the podcast and stay tuned for more groundbreaking content.

(Producers Note: We used some the of the AI Tools discussed in this episode to help write the Description below. Tell us what you think of the results in the Comments! Thanks!!)

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