Ghost Hunters said this historic Alexandria house museum isn't haunted. What do you think?

1 year ago

The Lee-Fendall House Museum & Garden is a historic house museum on Oronoco Street in Alexandria, Virginia. It was built in 1785 and was the home of 37 members of the Lee family over the course of six generations. The house is a fine example of Greek-Revival architecture and has been carefully preserved to retain its original character. During the American Civil War, it was used as a hospital, and ever since, former residents and visitors have reportedly encountered the ghost of a woman wearing a period nurse's uniform. Though others have also spotted the apparition of a woman and a young girl, possibly her daughter, SyFy Channel's Ghost Hunters filmed an investigation there in 2014 and did not believe the museum is haunted. Many Alexandrians, of course, disagree. #virginia #alexandriava #hauntedhouse

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