87-year-old priest's game plan to end abortion in Canada

1 year ago

Imagine living someplace where you no longer have free speech in certain public areas because of what you believe. That’s exactly what’s happening to pro-life advocates in Ontario.

The province’s totalitarian abortion bubble zone law works in the following ways: it restrains you from making your opinion known anywhere between 50-150m in front of places where abortions are committed. The law, passed in 2017, essentially bans pro-life free speech. Any individual who dares to express pro-life views in the bubble zone, whether that be peacefully protesting, holding a sign, or even simply praying to end abortion, can face arrest, large fines, and even imprisonment.

One individual has taken a stand against this anti-free-speech law. Fr. Tony Van Hee became a pro-life hero for his decades of praying and fasting on Parliament Hill to end abortion. He decided to do something about the bubble zone law. He was arrested in 2018 for carrying a sign defending free-speech into the bubble zone of The Morgentaler abortion mill in downtown Ottawa. While the charges were dropped last November, Van Hee continues his legal constitutional challenge against the law.

Fr. Tony Van Hee is a Canadian Jesuit Catholic priest and a hero in the pro-life movement. Here he is in his own words about what he did and why.

Campaign Life Coalition is a national, pro-life organization working at all levels of government to secure full legal protection for all human beings from the time of conception (fertilization) to natural death. It is non-partisan and encourages voting based on principles, not party. For more information visit www.campaignlifecoalition.com

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