Ep. 108 A Friendship Crisis in Our Culture

2 years ago

It's shocking to see how bad our culture is at forming and maintaining deep, intimate friendships. Social media, obviously, convinces us that we have a LOT of friends but studies show people are more isolated and have less friends than they did thirty years ago.
Unfortunately this crisis is mirrored in the Church; the very place where relationships should thrive the most. The life of Christ and the fruit of the Spirit are lived out in relationships. How can we expect to have solid, mature Christian lives if we don't even know how to form godly friendships? Pastors and church leaders must address this issue if we desire to break ranks with our culture in a central area of human existence.

Axios Article:

American Survey Center article:

Buy "Spiritual Love" by Gary Delashmutt and Dennis McCallum here:

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Theme Music:
Overseas by Vlad Gluschenko | https://soundcloud.com/vgl9
Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

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