How to Create a Lawful Republic Administration

1 year ago

How to Create a Lawful Republic Administration

(Hold Constitutional Conventions to seat a lawful self-governing Republic of the people).

Properly creating constitutions and sovereign Republic Nations requires merely a public consensus
about the purpose of the Nation and how to best achieve it.

a) First, there must be a Territory (such as a province, village, town, city) whose sovereigns desire to be a Sovereign Republic Nation.

b) The Sovereigns in and throughout their respective territory create Constitutional Convention
Committees throughout all the Nations, Provinces, and Territories. Each Committee has Sovereigns
appointed whom will communicate with other Constitutional Convention Committees throughout the Territory.

With internet and the advancement of technology, Constitutional Convention Committees throughout
the Territory(s) of a Province can more easily create and ratify a Constitution.

The Constitution of, “We the Sovereigns for the Sovereigns by the Sovereigns” is how the Constitutional Conventions are being formed in every Nation, Province, and Territory.

c) The Conventions add information from the Sovereigns to the draft. The draft is reviewed and
updated through public debate by the Sovereigns to provide an opportunity for changes.

d) After numerous public debates, the changes are submitted again to the Sovereigns for further
review and additional changes made if necessary.

e) This process is repeated until the Republic Constitution has become a formula acceptable to the

f) Now the Sovereigns will be able to ratify the Republic Constitution with an affirmation; to accept
the Republic Constitution. Sovereigns will have to decide for themselves how to affirm them
constitution at their local level with transparency.

g) If the Republic Constitutional draft cannot be affirmed, further changes must be made until the
Republic Constitution is accepted and ratified by the Sovereigns.

h) The entire process is documented for transparency and as proof of the Sovereigns’ authority through the Republic Constitution.

i) On the basis of the Republic Constitution, an Administrative Body is then formed having limited
authority which is lawfully bound by social contracts with the Sovereigns, to respect and conduct itself
in accordance with the Constitution.

j) The Sovereign Republic Territory can now form alliances with other Sovereign Territories if it so

Note: At no time will any consideration be given to privately owned or legacy media monopolies or
Law Societies i.e. the BAR.

Note: Foreign Nations or entities have no authority to impose their Constitution on another Sovereign

A Constitution must be created by the Sovereigns themselves which essentially becomes their protected property.

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Any and all information from Constitutional Conventions must be given to the original author by
citing the source for original content

Creating a Natural Law Republic & Parts 1 -10
Where We Are & Where We're Going Part 1
Imagining A Better Future Part 2
Exposing Fatal Flaws of Government & Top-Down Societal Control Part 3
The Death of Government & Rise of the Natural Law Society Part 4
How A Public Service Admin Works in A Natural Law Republic Part 5
Creating A Social Contract With Real Protection Part 6
Crime, Reparation, & Reform in a Natural Law Justice System Part 7
Keeping Corporations in Check! Part 8
Reclaiming Media & Restoring Truth in Society Part 9
Creating a New Education System Part 10
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