The Great Tribulation: 42 months, 1260 days, a time, times and half a time

1 year ago

Jesus' prophecies about the Great Tribulation serve as a warning to those who are not taking their calling seriously [laodiceans]… and a source of understanding and reassurance for those who are caught up in the end-time events [philadelphians].

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The great tribulation is also known as the time of Jacob's trouble. It is referred to in the book of Daniel, the book of Revelation, and the olivet prophecy of Matthew 24.

It is a distinct period of time lasting 1260 days, or 42 months, or 3.5 years (also phrased as a time, times and half a time).

In Revelation it is also known as the 5th seal of the 7 seals. During the tribulation the church of God will be persecuted, the beast power will rise, and the two witnesses will deliver the final warning from God.

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