Beverly Welbourne Wants to Help People from Covid Vaccine Shedding

1 year ago

There is a meeting in Batavia to help people with Covid shedding concerns. I'll put the details on the blog, but it's coming up on the 16th of March, 2023, and she would like to see people show up to express their concerns.

Here are the directions and time for the meeting:

The Clermont County General Health District Advisory Council will hold its annual meeting on Thursday, March 16, 2023, in the conference room of the Engineer’s Office,

2381 Clermont Center Drive, Batavia, Ohio 45103. This is a public meeting and is scheduled for 7:15 PM.

Beverly Welbourne email:

Phone number: 513 489 9777

People can contact Beverly if they have questions about the meeting or a vaccine or shedding story that they are willing to share (whether or not at this meeting)

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