Joker 2 Set Photos Leaked Online

1 year ago

Leaked set photos from the upcoming film Joker 2 have provided fans with their first glimpse of Joaquin Phoenix reprising his role as the titular character.

The photos show Phoenix in full costume and makeup as the clown, with a similar appearance to his iconic portrayal in the first film. While no official details about the plot of Joker 2 have been released, it's rumored to explore the aftermath of the events of the first movie.

Joker was a critical and commercial success, earning over $1 billion at the box office and winning several awards, including an Academy Award for Phoenix's performance. The sequel is highly anticipated by fans of the character and the franchise.

Directed by Todd Phillips, Joker 2 is currently in production and is set to be released in late 2022. While the leaked photos have given fans a taste of what's to come, there's sure to be much more speculation and excitement leading up to the film's release.

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