Operation Jericho 2023

1 year ago

I have been spending the past few years listening, hoping and wondering when our country will act and restore baseline justice.. No more waiting for me and a few

Jan 6, the so called insurrection. (I've never in history ever seen or read about an insurrection when not one person is armed) in fact, the only guns were used against the protestors. RIP Ashli

After a while I felt like I could do more. I finally got a chance not only listen or talk truth tho those wiling to listen, but put some real energy into doing something about it. So together with US Army (RET) Paul Vallely, are launching operation Jericho. The team behind Cowboy Logic , Don and Donna were able to secure phone time from the inside of the detention center in DC with several of the political prisoners. their stories will be heard.

In short, I am adding a short trailer to introduce a longer 30 minute video that details these issues our country is dealing with that is being held from most of us.

Say what you will about each person arrested, but in this country, there is supposed to be due process. The 6th amendment in particular is under attack and the evidence is abundant and clear when it comes to the detainees. Most of these people are vets and served this country with pride. Just like you and I would want, they deserve to be heard, under oath in front of congress and the entire world. Then, and only then should we ever considering judging them

click for a 4 minute intro (I'll try to get the longer version up in a a day or two)

thank you!

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