Above and Beyond ( Part 2 )

2 years ago

(Part 2)The recording device ran out of storage.At the end of this video I was discussing the light coming from the sun, and affecting our consciousness, and the light not just from our sun but other solar forces and from the central sun which is affecting and quickening the evolution of our consciousness on the planet in this dimension .I continue to address that the evolution of consciousness on this planet, and in this dimension is inevitable and that’s why there are efforts to try and block out the sun, or use technology to to slow down, or stifle the effect of the solar rays on in this plane and dimension. Efforts/Mandates to alter humanity’s DNA. Efforts to censor information, Efforts to social distance our connectedness, efforts to control our livelihood, efforts to control even our thoughts through technology. Efforts to .. in the lowest act shutdown or remove those in opposition to the evolution of consciousness in this reality. All these efforts are and will be in vain as humanity’s destiny is to evolve not become further enslaved. This planet is going to level up or shift her vibratory frequency, shift dimension and she is inviting all sentient beings to align with her in love and grace to experience a new world built on truth, peace and divine equality!!!
All of my workshops and offerings are by donation as a service to uplift and illuminate our collective experience in this reality.
contributions to support this service can be sent by e_transfer to thewaywithin@outlook.com or using PayPal User name - @Thewaywithin all proceeds will be gracefully used to further support the service of creating sacred spaces to share wisdom and bring healing, illumination,enlightenment and support as we move through our planetary Ascension. In loving service!!!!! We are the one as the many 🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼

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