This technique can replace stretch and folds AND free up more time (not coil folds)

3 years ago

This one technique may completely replace stretch and folds for my sourdough bread, especially when I don't have a lot of time. If you don’t like stretch and folds or you want to free up a little more time when you make sourdough bread, this technique is for you!

My standard sourdough recipe that I followed for this video:

For this process:
- Mix all ingredients
- 30 min rest
- 10 slap and folds
- Shape the dough up about 10 times
- Bulk ferment 5-8 hours
- Shape
- Proof
- Score
- Bake

For the shaping, proofing, scoring, and baking, you can follow my sourdough bread process in my master recipe video (below).

My standard sourdough recipe that I followed for this video:

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