The True Earth Equinox Virtual Summit Trailer | March 17-18 2023 Tickets On Sale Now

1 year ago

Buy your tickets before Thursday 3/9 and be entered in a raffle to win cash prizes. Winners drawn on Thursday 3/9/23 during the Speaker's Corner show. VIP's 2 $100 awards and Gen Admission 2 $75 cash awards. (Need not be present or watching to win)

Today's world seems so chaotic... so out of balance and out of harmony that many people find it hard to decide where to turn for stability? We have the answer... The True Earth Equinox Virtual Summit.

A virtual gathering of the world's foremost experts on balance, harmony, and resonance. This is your chance to join a community of like-minded individuals seeking equilibrium in their lives,
Just as the equinox brings balance to day and night.

Get ready to be inspired and empowered by a lineup of exceptional speakers. Including David Avocado Wolfe, Brian from High Impact Flix, Amandha Vollmer from, Allegedly Dave Murphy and Max Freeman. From we have Crrow777 along w/ Jason Lindgren and Rose777 who will be taking questions from the VIP audience for the full hour of their time slot. From the Globebusters we have Zachary Zabala and Iru Landucci. Also presenting will be Bro Sanchez from Bro Sanchez TV and Klara Loretta from SpiritVehicle.

From the Gnostic Academy we have Marty Leeds and from theserapeum we have Dustin Nemos. We have the podcast co-hosts Kaleb and Derek from TikTok and we look forward to a special presentation from Austin Thompson and the Mellowdome and Austin will be joined by Mike from as well as Flat Man X, Chis Vick.

Don't miss the live Q&A panel featuring David Weiss from DITRH, Sean Hibbeler from Hibbeler Productions, David Avocado Wolfe, Amandha Vollmer and your summit hosts Jeran Campanella from jeranism and Austin Whitsitt from witsitgetsit… where they will be fielding questions from the VIP audience.

But that's not all. The True Earth Equinox Summit also features musical interludes from Christopher Crumb and stand-up comedy from Sam Tripoli from the Tin Foil hat Podcast.
This is an event that will not only educate and inform, but also entertain and inspire.

So don't wait. Join us for the First Ever True Earth Equinox Virtual Summit. Friday and Saturday March 17th and 18th 2023. Tickets are on sale now at We can’t wait to see you there.

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