Will Florida Ban The Jab? LISTEN TO FLORIDA'S Dr. Sansone - Ban the Jab Summary - It is Genocide !!

2 years ago

Joseph Sansone, M.S., PhD delived a speech in Collier County. I know him as we have just started a new nonprofit organization to help the world called the National American Renissance Movement ( National ARM)
Sansone reports: "" They blocked our press release saying it incited fear. You heard that right. If you have any media contacts let me know. Really like to get on Steve Bannon. The Florida Republican Assembly which is a statewide conservative organization passed the ban the jab resolution unanimously, they are just waiting for a couple signatures and I think will announce today. I think they will start hitting up the phones. Collier County will vote Monday March 6, Santa Rosa County is supposed to take it up Wednesday March 9. Hillsborough County will take it up in April. If we can get another bigger media venue, we will have DeSantis saying uncle in two months."

Any Governor can make the Covid 19 shots illegal. And all should! Why won't they have the courage, are they that scared of the pschopaths WHO & WEF?

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