Linkin Park Masked Metal Type O | Shout Out Show

2 years ago

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Shout Outs/Comments
Fee Amerie

Community announcement for live show
Chrstopher Ortiz
I’ll try my best to join. Hopefully I don’t fall asleep before it starts lol

Erica Iron
Samantha Tapper
Just Jesse
Mick 76
Sabrina Young
Fee Amerie

A Nerd Reacts to Type O Negative | Nerd News shorts
Ace Commander
From October rust...?

MORE Babymetal, Slipknot, and Subscribers | Shout Out Show
It's nice to see that you are open to being corrected when it comes to babymetal and how they came to be. It's absolutely fine if someone doesn't like how they operate or doesn't like how their songs sound but it's annoying when people have these false preconceptions about them and then completely dismiss them because of it. Hopefully you'll try out atleast some of the songs grington suggested to you but if you don't that's totally fine too.

A Nerd Reacts to Linkin Park | Nerd News shorts
Rip Chester

Masked Metal Bands | Quick and Nerdy
Hiero Malo
Splutter is pretty awesome
Jake Mcginnis
You have a good taste in music I love how your bringing bands I've never heard of too my attention. I'm a musician with new born kids witch means I used to be a musician but I'm always looking for a new fix for my ears/ brain. Give me more I will subscribe. And thank you for not asking to click and subscribe cause anyone that says that in their videos I will absolutely not click and subscribe.

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