From Victim to Living a Life Beyond Limits

1 year ago

This is an audio and video to help those who have fallen prey and are now victims of their circumstances.

This audio uses specific and ultimately healing language that is quite hypnotic in nature. You can watch or just listen, though please understand that it is preferable to ensure you are safe and comfortable, as some people will fall asleep while listening. To find out more about the strategies of healing and helping others: you can see our NLP video here: and sometimes you need a bit of confidence to get yourself out of victim mode. You can do that with our confidence improver audio:

What is a victim?

How can a victim move from victim to some sense of victory?

What have we learned from a psychological perspective and how can you benefit from our expertise?

The first thing to understand is, a victim gets their fuel from empathy and sympathy.

An "Oh you poor thing" and "That must have been terrible" are the typical responses that victims receive after sharing their stories. This develops into the perfect partnership between the victim and the rescuer or the healer.

While we can all empathise and 'feel sorry' for the victims in this world, the question is, does it serve the victim. We could argue that at first, it's the caring, kind, and compassionate soul that a victim needs to gain all-important understanding. Though many victims fall into co-dependant partnerships that serve both parties but do not share the greater good or result in a positive and final outcome.

Being a victim is a most debilitating and limiting pattern. A victim is a person who has come to feel helpless and passive in the face of misfortune or ill-treatment. A common catchcry is "I saw myself as a victim" or "I'm the victim here."

This audio and video should make a big difference in improving yourself and if you need a little more help, feel free to reach out for some free advice and help here:

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