Weathered Stiletto (Prototype) Finally Finished & Unveiling, Before Donating!

2 years ago

Edited by VideoGuru:

So here she is everyone!!! T.C.S.[Twy7ch'S Custom String] Instruments, first Prototype 6-String Electric Solid Body Guitar, named "Weathered Stiletto". This has definitely been not just a passion, that's a given. Labor of love HELL YEA, most importantly though, it showed me about 2-3 months into the design (stain(s) that is lol) that building/starting my own BUDGET line was something I truly wanted to do. Always have been content as a Guitar Luthier/Tech Repairs man, but in the back of my head designing intrigued me...when I picked up a kit just to "mod" it, as well as make my own design/engineering notes. I shaved off a lot more than what originally came with this(took off almost half a pound). Made the neck/frets have that more rounded, hand made feel. Definitely feels better than it did 8 months ago lol.
Upgraded Hardware installed are as followed.

Tuning Pegs are: Locking Tuning Pegs [Black]
Bridge: Wilkinson Wrap-Around [Black]
Knobs: Custom Made Dragon Eyes [Grn/Blu]
Nut: Bone
Cavity: 9v battery mounting clip
Acc: Chrome Pickup Rings

Fretboard conditioned with Dunlop 65 Fretboard Cleaner (Their version of Lemon-Oil),.09-42 gauge strings tuned to dropped D, only thing stock left on her are the Chrome Strap Buttons. Believe I put somewhere between around $120 in upgrades, not just for astetick purposes (which, come on lol are cool) but are actual Tuning Improvements etc... after the Stain/Paint... My time...I'd probably ask in the ballpark of $250-$300.

BUT!! This one I'm actually GIVING/DONATING to the Office Manager Lady at my Doctor's Office!!! Cause since last year, if it wasn't for her/them, I wouldn't of been able to have gone as far as I have physically an mentally due to my physical and other "handi-Capabilities", SAME GOES FOR ALL OF YOU TOO!!! YOU ALL IN THIS COMMUNITY OF OURS HELPS ME KEEP GOING STRONG 💪, and I wanna truly say I love ❤ all of you for all the support you continue to show me!!!

promise! next vid will be the sound test of the IYV LP. Definitely gotta start getting Adsense running too!! Spread the word!!! And if you've enjoyed this style of "from the ground, building a guitar" please, feel free to contribute, by hitting the LIKE 👍🏻 BUTTON, COMMENT, SHARE, SUBSCRIBE OR GO TO ONE OF OUR LINKS TO REALLLLYYYYYY SHOW MORE SUPPORT!!

--my links--

Music: Shanhai
Musician: FOREVERT

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