Getting Used To This New Control Freek Thumbstick Made This Match Messy PS5 4k 60fps

1 year ago

I believe this new Control Freek Thumbstick will up my game with Predator Hunting Grounds not in the way that I expect though. The controller feel is something to get used to but from what I believe based on using it in these matches it will help me be more patient in my attacks which will limit my overall exposure and taking damage as well as give me better range of movement I shall see.

Most of these matches were very entertaining even with some of the fireteams I clearly could tell weren’t polished but they definitely tried and put fights and truthfully I need time to try to master this new feel before going up against a lot of the refined and dedicated players and fireteams.

In these matches I use Wolf Mr. Black City Hunter 97” & Amazon Predators



First & foremost I enjoy this game it has grown a lot from its origin and I want it to continue to grow and that is why I play it. I think it will regardless be around for a while primarily because it’s a game that really requires other people to truly enjoy it and when the right people are in a match it’s mad good.

To the people at illfonic. I think I can vouch for myself of course & for anybody playing & enjoying this game I need & they need & we need an update on a few glitches with this game.

1. Randomly not being able to run with the predator
2. Not being able to eat a hog sometimes. Oink oink
3. 3D Audio Randomly going out.
4. Randomly not being able to use the first aid kits around camps.
5 I’ve see another gamer mention he randomly isn’t able to mount a tree not sure how true that is never had that problem.
6. Randomly Starting The Match As A Useless Dummy Roaming The Map With No Legs Or Arms

7. Is something I want to see personally the ability to cloak Nolan’s Mask That Simple. How simple is it to put it in the game I’m asking.

Eventually I Will Have Quality Equipment For Better Video Quality Sound Quality Video Broadcast & More

How to Play Any Game on (PS5) @60 fps (Performance Mode) While Keeping Resolution Mode Visuals.

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