Bombing on the leader.

2 years ago

Bombing on the leader.
Sometimes it happens that you taxied on a working plane, and taxied already on a faulty one. An airplane is a very, very complex device, so something always breaks there. I will even say more, in nature, most likely, there are no completely serviceable aircraft at all. Maybe the factory has, but it's not certain. Some bulb burned out, or the 14th radio station died, which no one turned on in life - this is already considered the plane is faulty. And according to the documents "Do not go on a flight on a faulty plane." But of course they do. under the responsibility of the crew leader. In times of great turmoil, it was considered normal to fly in an aircraft that was powered by engines, controls, and communications. Any dead sights, even if they are all the sights that are on the plane, killed by the TsVM, and some "yellow" refusals were not considered as refusals. But even now, any aircraft can fail. Even several planes can refuse to fly. "Very good" when you fly in a group, then a serviceable aircraft is put forward, and all the others with failures become side by side and, turning on the reserve or emergency circuits, drop bombs at the moment when they fell off the leader. Exactly like in this video. Also, bombing on the leader is used when, for example, "Hephaestus" is on the same plane, and your shit is ancient. Or vice versa, you have an ancient thing, but it works, and the satellites drowned out the way. You can clearly see how the PPLT works. This is such a cartridge that shoots at a special pusher that pushes the bomb away from the aircraft. Service to you and your devices, friends. Any serviceable third generation aircraft is much better than a faulty eighth generation aircraft. Infa cell.

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