Daedalus Aviation & Heritage Group, Solent Airport, Hampshire

1 year ago

✈️ DA&HG Website: https://daedalusaviation.org/
✈️ Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/GosportAviationSociety

Daedalus Aviation & Heritage Group, Solent Airport, Hampshire

The Daedalus Aviation & Heritage Group is a non-profit members organisation that works to ensure the retention of Solent Airfield for public aviation and community uses.

The Daedalus Aviation & Heritage Group is an amalgamation of the Lee Flying Association and the Gosport Aviation Society.

And you can be part of this association and enjoy the many benefits of membership.

Whether you’re a pilot, aircraft owner, or someone who is just interested in aviation and the history of the airfield you are welcome to join the DA&HG.

The Daedalus Aviation & Heritage Group welcomes new members.

The more members who join, the stronger the association’s voice becomes when speaking up for General Aviation.

Membership costs just £30 per year.

As a member, you can make use of the clubhouse on the airfield itself. There you’ll find a comfortable location for flight planning or simply socialising with other members.

You’ll receive updates on the group’s activities via the newsletters and Facebook group.

You will have a voice, and you will be able to put forward those views to an association that curates the opinions of its members and presents them to various bodies.

The group gives total support to Fareham Borough Council to keep flying at the
rebranded Solent Airport.

The group works with RCA, the airport operators, to enable enthusiast’s tours of
the airport.

The group supports the National Civil Air Support Charity, providing pilots
and observers from within our ranks.

The group has monthly aviation related talks at the nearby Royal Naval Association Club.

The talks are free of charge for members, and £5 for non-members.

The group also runs minibus tours to sites of aviation interest.

DA&HG members producing their membership card receive a 10% discount on food at Cafe05 at Solent Airport and the Airfield Café at Popham airfield.

And finally, as a limited company DA&HG has an AGM each February where members can vote for directors and have a say on how the group is doing and the direction in which it is going.

You can find out more and apply for your membership at the Daedalus Aviation & Heritage Group website daedalusaviation.org

Join the Daedalus Aviation & Heritage Group and be part of the ongoing aviation success story at Solent Airfield.


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