The Awakening

1 year ago

Today, my guest John Odermatt and I will be having a conversation about the Wokeism that has gripped our society and those of us who have become Awakened and Yes! There is a difference.

From the Cancel Cuture, to the WEF who wants us to “eat the bugs and be happy”. The complete turnaround of specific values that drove people like Walt Disney to envision Disneyland and the demise of the decisions of the wokeism that is killing that once proud brand.

I need to say little to those of us who remember the wholesomeness and moral values we once treasured and these virtues I speak of where colorblind and continue to be.

In Ecclesiastes it was written “there is nothing new under the sun,” and although this is true. Each generation see’s a change in the fabric of our society.

As for me. I cannot recognize the speed as to which our society is declining.

Call me Boomer, Call me Old, Call me whatever you want. Woke is not one of them

I wrote this and posted it in FaceBook a couple of weeks ago and it is fitting as an opener for the topic of today

Yes! This world has gone to hell in a handbag.

Every generation had its heyday and I am extremely concerned that those born after 911 will be looking back as we do now and thinking how normal things were in their time.

From the revolving door of poor leadership choices to the cultural changes brought on by the exposure to social media. Our world has changed.

The so-called woke people of today, that includes even people in my own generation who have joined, participate, and practice the new religion of self-hate, state worship. All suffer from an extreme case of Stockholm syndrome.

They look in disgust at the norms of the 60s, the 70s and 80s which were the years of my youth.
The values of decency, respect and reverence that were taught to me in my youth, have since been replaced by a nefarious and repetitive need to place blame on race, character and spiritually and as I look upon the landscape of our society, I don't see much hope for a return to sanity.

(btw... back in the day they placed the blame on these same values)

The older generation in my youth, used to look at us the same way as I look at our society now.

I still hear this comment...
"Look! These are the kids who be running the world someday"

I'm quite sure this is generational and I won't be here (thank God) to see what becomes from the ramifications of the Woke generation.

But, rest assured. When their generation looks back at this particular time, their youth, their heyday.

Oddly enough, they will say as every generation before them...

"Yes! This world has gone to hell in a handbag"
Welcome to Episode 15 of the Weather’d Soul
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