Going to lose another 15lbs by eating 2550 calories and adding sirloin onto the menu.

1 year ago

As I have some upcoming races it's time to shed a few more pounds. I've lost a total of 92 lbs, and have put on 12 lbs of muscle in the last 14 months. Still too heavy and carry a bunch of fat on my midsection so time to lose 15 lbs and assess how I feel. Going to do that by cutting back on calories 5 to 600 a day, and adding sirloin which will bring my fat down to 200 g and my protein up to 200 grams. I'll see you how I feel in a month.

#keto #carnivore #nomoredieting #meatonlydiet #nocarbs #paleodiet #lowcarbhighfat #lchf #eatmeatnotcarbs #pegan

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