How to Heat and Cool the Earth WITHOUT Carbon Dioxide with Mr. 3 Legged Stool - Climate Change

1 year ago

with Nick Schroeder we discuss how the Earth actually heats and cools and the IPCC ar5 6.0 key uncertainties. What would the earth be like without an atmosphere? Greenhouse gases, heat transfer problems, the moon, albedo, the poles, energy based on mass, and black body radiation are also discussed.

bookkeeping and Power Flux Balances. The first law of thermodynamics, the rare element of Hand Wavium, deconstructing many diagrams from different mainstream sources, thermal conductivity controlling the heat and the problems not being addressed with these theories.

we chat about Heat, Radiation and Emissivity - Team Players, and go over some of his experiments that show the variation in infrared temp collection depending on emissivity calibration. He also shows experimentally how convection, conduction etc are all connected with infrared radiation.

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