666 and the three Beasts of Revelation...Jesus explains ❤️ Heavenly Gifts thru Jakob Lorber

1 year ago

Text & Audio to Video Content... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2018/08/29/zahl-666-die-3-tiere-der-offenbarung-number-666-the-3-beasts-in-revelation/
Heavenly Gifts Overview... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/jesus-reveals-thru-jakob-lorber-heavenly-gifts/
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The Time of the three Beasts in Revelation

May 7, 1841

Question: What does the Revelation of John Chapter 13, Verses 15-18 say… ‘ And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to be given a mark upon their right hand or upon their foreheads, and that no one should be able to buy or sell except he that has the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. He who has understanding, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666.

1. So write it down in My Name, I already know what you worry about!

2. For the things, that are too far away, your ‘extended eyes’ are not good enough to behold them. Of the medium-distant objects, you only perceive the one sided bark. And of the things that are very close you cannot see anything, because they are too close and thus also are of little interest to you.

3. These verses in Revelation you can easily grasp with your hands, and still you cannot conceive them! – Yes, the easier something is, the more stupid you go about it! – So, next time, ask for that, which seems easiest to you! Truly, with that you will surely become more humble than with these four current and most simple verses! – And now, pay attention:

4. For one, this chapter talks about three beasts… Firstly about the main dragon, secondly about the beast that arises from the sea with 7 heads, each one having 10 horns, and thirdly about a lamb-like beast with 2 horns atop its head.

5. Who the main dragon is, you will certainly know by now, since I have talked quite often about My archenemy in the ‘twelve hours’ already.

6. But if you wish to recognize the second beast, please direct your eyes towards the near-by self-love, and you will find all attributes confirmed in it! – It arises from the ‘sea’ of all avaricious desires, it has ‘seven heads’, which means for every commandment of brotherly love it has its own head with ’10 horns’, by which it transgresses against all the 10 commandments (of Moses). – A ‘wounded head’ is the theft, which is punishable everywhere. But does that harm the beast in any way? Oh no, for this wounded head is healed through all the political state- and commercial laws. Thus the entire world lives and deals according to those laws – and thereby the lamb and its commandments are mocked daily.

7. The third beast arises from the earth, it looks like a ‘lamb’, but possesses also ‘2 horns’. – What is that? – I’m telling you, this is the one closest to you! – It is the general industry, that supports the beast of the water, and in the end even worships it, which with its two horns counteracts directly the 2 main commandments of love! – You only need to look towards America and England etc., to see, that it is indeed so!

8. How much such an industry is this third beast, is shown for example by the cruel child abuses in the american and english factories, where the children often have to work from 5 in the morning to 9 in the evening, constantly standing and half naked, and all of that already, when they have turned 8 years old. They are not taught anything – except for the industrial slave regulations!

9. If you could see the nature of the industry with Me and through Me, you would say… ‘Oh Father, this is the dragon himself!’

10. Does this third beast not practice all the power of the second beast, whose head wound has been healed? And does it not cause, that the entire world, at least its major inhabitants, worship the second wounded beast completely. Is there not spoken of worshiped kings, princes and other (industrial) founders and inventors everywhere !? Do they not raise monuments for them all around the world? Does it not show the greatest signs and let fire fall from heaven, i.e. does it not reasonably teach these blind peoples, that such industriousness is the actual nature of all religions and the most worthy adoration of God, if not even the best form of worship?! – How this is an utter robbery of the fire from heaven, making the people believe, that I may also be worshiped through abomination! (But this will only last for another short while!)

11. Oh, behold the seduction of the people on earth! The image of the beast with the wound of the sword of all political justice is now fully alive! The people have been forced to raise this image with their blood! And now it flaunts, speaks, commands, kills and is worshiped by all worms and sycophants, who are called ‘scholars’ and ‘journalists’ and by some blow flies that must have a piece of everything, to earn something without having to work.

12. But the moment someone dares not to worship this beast – he will soon come to realize, what hour has come for him in the world!

13. But this is the ‘spirit’ (or the ‘life’) in the image of the beast, that the self-love and greed has reached its highest peak with all the great ones of the world, which is the full number 666, where the self-love equals 600, the stolen fire of heaven equals 60 (i.e. the Divine Commandment is used tenfold for one’s own benefit!) and brotherly love finally equals only 6 (i.e. it is the most perfect slavery) – Instead of giving 100 for 1, one demands 100 for 1!

14. Look and understand now the marking of the ‘right hand’ and the ‘forehead’, the great and small ones, the rich and the poor, the free and the slave! Is it not the imperiousness, either through power or worldly prudence!? – Tell Me, can one do something without this mark!? What does one person mean to the other without this mark? – Truly, I ask you, if one of you has daughters, will he give them to an ‘unmarked’ one, or will they demand an ‘unmarked’ one? Can someone, who has not received an office from the beast nor bears its mark, find happiness in the world?

15. You yourselves are ‘marked’ – except for My servant, whom I have, up until now, painstakingly kept unmarked. But I am telling you, if I would allow him to demand one of your daughters, you would look at him with strange concern and advise him kindly, not to do it, for it wouldn’t work, because he is ‘unmarked’!

16. However, if you would do so even with someone, who I have made to be a light for you in the night of nights, what would you do, if another ‘unmarked’ one would dare to demand the same of you? – I tell you… You would rather bury your daughters alive – properly understood!

17. I believe this ‘marking’ should be pretty clear to you now! Who would be able to buy and sell without this mark?

18. But the ’42 months’ will soon be over, since the commandments of brotherly love are now more than 5 times sevenfold applied to self-love. But I am telling you, try to destroy this ‘mark’ through the fire of My love, then you will attain the true, inner life!

19. But exactly because of this it is currently so difficult to attain the inner life out of Me and in Me, because the ‘mark’ burns everyone out into the world. Therefore, let Me burn you back from the world of the beast through My love, thus you will find the life, now and eternally!

20. This says the Holy, the Great, the First and the Last. Amen, amen, amen!

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