Should We Have Children in Worship

2 years ago

Should we have children in worship? Should we have a separate worship service for children? Learn why worshiping with children is so valuable.

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Here's the accompanying post:

00:00 Sermon Lessons for Should We Have Children in Worship
11:19 Lesson One: In the Bible, children were present when (Part one) rejoicing (Deuteronomy 16:10-14).
12:48 Lesson One: In the Bible, children were present when (Part two) God’s Word was read (Deuteronomy 31:12-13, Joshua 8:35).
19:58 Lesson One: In the Bible, children were present when (Part three) seeking the Lord (2 Chronicles 20:1-3, 13).
22:16 Lesson One: In the Bible, children were present when (Part four) confessing sin (Ezra 10:1-2, Nehemiah 12:43).
26:19 Lesson One: In the Bible, children were present when (Part five) repenting (Joel 2:12-16).
31:40 Lesson Two: We want to foster a positive view of children (Psalm 127:3-5).
43:06 Lesson Three: Having children in worship is not an essential.

Family Worship Guide

Directions: Read the following verses and then answer the questions:

Day 1: Deuteronomy 16:10-14-Do you agree that we tend to be convinced of whatever we first experience? Why or why not? Why might having children in worship be a paradigm shift for some people? Why do you think some other churches throughout America don’t have children and worship even if that has been the case throughout most of human history and the rest of the world today? Why do you think God had children present when celebrating the holy days, such as the Feast of Weeks and Feast of Booths?

Day 2: Deuteronomy , 31:12-13, Joshua 8:35, 2 Chronicles 20:1-3, 13, Ezra 10:1-2, Nehemiah 12:43, Joel 2:12-16-Why do you think God had children present when His Word was read? What about when people were seeking the Lord, confessing sin, or repenting?

Day 3: Psalm 127:3-5-What can we do to foster a positive view of children in the church? Besides Psalm 127 what other verses, passages, or accounts come to mind that speak positively of children? Why might people be tempted to elevate having children and worship to highly? What would be some problems with doing so?

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