Monday Motivation - Go get it done!

2 years ago

This is your Monday Motivation! Everyone needs inspiration and motivation sometimes. When your lacking, I got your back! Together we go higher!

I am not a trained health professional. This video was created for motivational, inspirational and entertainment purposes.

Steps for successfully completing your goal:

1. Have a goal(s)
2. Break your goals into small steps/tasks
3. Pick a duration for each small step, like a week
4. Feel proud of your accomplishments, even if you don't hit your target
5. Identify the actions you will take to accomplish your goal
6. Say NO to things that negatively affect your goal
7. Immediately get rid of those things that affect your goal
13. Be accountable to others
14. Don't give yourself an out. You must do it, there is no other option!

Steps specific to weight loss:
8. Start cooking your own healthy food at home
9. Stop eating out
10. Start exercising
11. Even when you don't want to exercise, still get it done.
12. Start slow and slowly increase your exercise over time, challenge yourself!

If you need someone to be accountable too, send me an email with your goal, duration for the goal and a list of the small steps you will take to achieve that goal. Email:

Steps 1 - 4 (00:00)
Steps 5 - 7 (01:14)
Steps 8 - 10 (02:25)
Step 11 (03:09)
Step 12 (3:36)
Step 13 - 14 (4:04)
Accountable to me (4:51)
Outro (5:48)

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