Discover the real tiger

2 years ago

Discover the real tiger
Hi everyone, welcome back to our channel. In this
video, We're going to show you the real tiger.

Tigers are the most iconic of the big cats. With their gorgeous
black-and-orange coats and long, white whiskers, they invoke
in many a feeling of wonder and admiration. But though they
are adored, they're also vulnerable to extinction. Around 3,890
wild tigers roam forests and savannas today.
They're bigger, stronger, and heavier than
all other cats (including lions). Plus, they
really do live in the jungle - in Asia, to be
exact. One tiger can weigh as much as 300
kilograms and can grow as long as 2.8
metres (as long as a small car).
Tigers are night hunters they are nocturnal like cats they
have very excellent vision in night. They can see long distance
and we can see their eyes glowing in the dark at night.
Tigers live alone and move chiefly at night.
If there are large animals to feed on then
they make a kill about twice a week, but they
have to kill more often if only small animals
are available. They prefer deer, wild pigs and
wild oxen, but will also eat all kinds of
mammals, birds, reptiles and fish.
Moreover, tigers have an infallible memory, as their short-term
memory lasts about thirty times longer than ours, and their
recollection is made of much more powerful brain
synapses, which means that these felines do not forget as
easily as humans.
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