Vaxx Taker

2 years ago

Since March 20th/2020 when I dropped my first video pertaining to the 'planned-demic', and the subsequent events that were to (and have) unfolded (so far I have been correct about everything that has transpired)

I have made/edited/dropped over 200 videos showcasing research, data, study's etc across three social media platforms and during that time I have been censored, shadow banned, vilified and have lost friends and family due to our educated stance on informed consent and steadfast refusal to have anything to do with a experimental gene therapy that some say is a bioweapon,

We've seen jabbed friends/family succumb to various 'adverse effects', some more serious than others, we've had family die unexpectedly (no one we know has died of C0vid, taking into account that many who have sadly passed suffered numerous comorbidities)

The continued push by our 'selected' Gov/Corp leaders in defiance of the main stream media's dribble of info (the same info we've shared non stop for three years) as they continue to push this fear mongering narrative that has seen other Country's around the world completely drop mandates and/or compliance, but I digress....if you know you know and we wish no ill will on anyone but at the end of the day, you makes your bed, you lay in it,

May good health and wellness bless you all,
the continued investment into mind, body and soul has never paid more dividends than it has the last few years,
here is to another manic Monday here on Clown World,
take care of yourselves and each other,

Sī vīs pācem, parā bellum

Copyright info:
* We do not own the rights to all content. They have, in accordance with fair use, been repurposed with the intent of educating and inspiring others.
* We must state that in NO way, shape or form am I intending to infringe rights of the copyright holder. Content used is strictly for research/reviewing purposes and to help educate. All under the Fair Use law.
* We don't own any copyright concerning the extracts used in this video. But we allow myself to use them in order to help people in motivational form.

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