Preparing for a Move of God ~ Part 2

1 year ago

Being River People

By Pastor Gary Wayne

Text: Jeremiah 9:23-26
Ver.24 What does the Lord delight in?

26b“For all these nations are uncircumcised” = they have no covenant with God.
“and all the house of Israel are uncircumcised in the heart.” They were physically circumcised, but their heart was no different than the other nations who did not know God.
They had all the right steps down for the religious dance, they knew all the right moves, but it didn’t involve relationship from their heart.

This clearly says God wants my actions to come from my heart, not learned response.

Ver. 26b in Message bible - “All these nations are big on performance religion – including Israel, who is no better.”

What does God delight in?
Delight = to take pleasure in, to be bent or inclined toward.
Ps 51:16-17 “For You do not desire sacrifice, or else I would give it; You do not delight in burnt offering. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, A broken and a contrite heart - These, O God, You will not despise.” NKJV

One of the points I see here is that God delights in the heart of those who do these good things, not in the things they do.
Some get it backwards – thinking God delights in the things, so they do the things to earn the benefit of His delight.
That is performance religion. But He is not after the things, He delights in my heart when I focus on Him, not the cookie in His hand.

Passion Translation – “For the source of your pleasure is not in my performance or the sacrifices I might offer to you. The fountain of your pleasure is found in the sacrifice of my shattered heart before you. You will not despise my tenderness as I bow down humbly at your feet.”

Message Bible – “Going through the motions doesn’t please you, a flawless performance is nothing to you. I learned God-worship when my pride was shattered….”

Story about Petit Gulf 1798 renamed Rodney Mississippi.
Long before it became a town, it was a favorite place for Native Americans to cross the Mississippi river.
Rodney became the busiest port on the river between New Orleans, and St. Louis, MO.
It was so popular, it nearly became the state’s first capitol city. It flourished as an important river community. Business and motels sprang up.
But something unique began to happen without notice by the inhabitants.

When different storms and floods took place, debris began to build up and the river began to change its course. Within 20 years, it had shifted 2 miles away.
Little by little, business died and moved away, and the once enjoyed beauty of the river was lost from sight because of brush and trees.
Today, reading about this place – now a ghost town – it’s very hard to find.

If we disconnect from the river, then little by little our life will dry up.
The town did not realize that their prosperity was attached to the life of the river.
The river that brings us life is the Holy Spirit, it is the Word of God.
This town gradually become disconnected from the source of their life.

Here is what is on my heart for me – us this morning.
In preparing for a move of God, I HAVE to take notice of the debris that can build up in my life.
I HAVE to stay connected to the life of the river.

What is the debris that blocks our access to the river?
* Offense – many of the revivals in America have come to an end because people being easily offended by others – debris left behind.
How many have had an opportunity to be offended by someone lately?

* Pride – Pride turns me into a Pharisee.
Pride not dealt with in Christians = religion, void of relationship.
– confident in my doctrine but shielded from intimacy with Him.

When you don’t know you have pride issues, where does it pop up?
Jas 4:6 “But He gives more grace. Therefore He says: "God resists the proud…”
Jas 4:10 “Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up. But gives grace to the humble."
Unforgiveness is based in pride.
Religious spirit is based in pride.
Fear of what others think.

Da 10:12 “Then he said to me, "Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand, and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard; and I have come because of your words.”

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