is there more than 1 way Sneaky Sleepy Joe can turn a Petrodollar train piston in ohio land grab?

1 year ago

You just took something I’d held for 20 years and obliviated it, in under 15 minutes. Right in front of me, all while I helplessly watched on. I can’t do it right now so: IOU 1 x Thank you (under a water car debunking)
is it really do hard to believe that there is more than one way to turn a piston? ....and hasn't it become rather obvious that once a "connected" corporation has so thoroughly cornered a market and goes all in on their investment, that entity may take issue to other products, particularly concerning one so contrarian to the one which has long backed the U.S. Petrodollar; they only attempt to hold on all the more tighter.


We already were well aware that Sleepy Joe is actually Sneaky Joe.... He is beholden, the power of his position neutered, his goals and literal will has long back subverted by the interests and directive of (an)other government(s). If Joe is trying to help US, We of the individual States, he should just stay at home, reserve all his energies and quit the effort, and simply remain at a constant idle. Cheers!
( & also?)
This (ohio train?) "accident" was to implement clear rules concerning residual dioxins in the environment; to get people out of there homes and off their properties, acreage bought on the cheap.... but don't dare believe anything I have to say

as falsehoods leave the soul, feeling Disillusionment is an agony &or a relief

= other citations archived due to youtube link bot & censor flag threats

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