Playing One Of The Most Underrated Multiplayers (PS5) 4k 60fps Predator Hunting Grounds

1 year ago

I’m sure I’m not the best at this game as a fireteams member or a Predator I definitely ain’t the worst either I’m really good when I pay attention. Strong fireteams who are often PC USERS have helped me become a good player. Regardless I’m playing this damn game adding my incentives to keep it alive like RB6 has maintained to be.

Here I use Pirate Bionic Elder & Cleopatra Predators



First & foremost I enjoy this game it has grown a lot from its origin and I want it to continue to grow and that is why I play it. I think it will regardless be around for a while primarily because it’s a game that really requires other people to truly enjoy it and when the right people are in a match it’s mad good.

To the people at illfonic. I think I can vouch for myself of course & for anybody playing & enjoying this game I need & they need & we need an update on a few glitches with this game.

1. Randomly not being able to run with the predator
2. Not being able to eat a hog sometimes. Oink oink
3. 3D Audio Randomly going out.
4. Randomly not being able to use the first aid kits around camps.
5 I’ve see another gamer mention he randomly isn’t able to mount a tree not sure how true that is never had that problem.
6. Randomly Starting The Match As A Useless Dummy Roaming The Map With No Legs Or Arms

7. Is something I want to see personally the ability to cloak Nolan’s Mask That Simple. How simple is it to put it in the game I’m asking.

Eventually I Will Have Quality Equipment For Better Video Quality Sound Quality Video Broadcast & More

How to Play Any Game on (PS5) @60 fps (Performance Mode) While Keeping Resolution Mode Visuals.

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