Basic Git cheat sheet (#shorts)

2 years ago

Hi Friends,

Please check these basic Git Cheat Sheet commands. I hope this will help you in your projects.

Here's a basic Git cheat sheet:

Basic Commands:

git init: initialize a Git repository in the current directory
git add {file}: stage a file to be committed
git commit -m "{commit message}": commit staged changes with a message
git status: check the status of your working directory and staged changes
git log: view the commit history
git diff: view the changes between the working directory and the last commit


git branch: view all branches in the repository
git branch {branch-name}: create a new branch with the specified name
git checkout {branch-name}: switch to the specified branch
git merge {branch-name}: merge the specified branch into the current branch
git branch -d {branch-name}: delete the specified branch

Remote Repositories:

git clone {remote-url}: clone a remote repository to your local machine
git remote -v: view the list of remote repositories
git push {remote-name} {branch-name}: push local changes to a remote repository
git pull {remote-name} {branch-name}: pull changes from a remote repository
git fetch {remote-name} {branch-name}: fetch changes from a remote repository without merging

These are just a few of the most commonly used basic Git commands. For more information, you can refer to the official Git documentation.

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