Dr. Daniel Nagase noticed the Canadian street lights with the blue/purple hue in Fall 2020

2 years ago

Source: Dr. Jane Ruby

Dr. Daniel Nagase quick bio:
Dr. Daniel Nagase was fired from an Alberta hospital for giving 3 patients Ivermectin (and cured them from CV19). He became a medical activist doing out door talks about the BIOWEAPON. In November 2021 him and Dr Mel Bruchet had discovered 13 still borns from the SAME Vancouver Hospital in a 24-hour period reported to them by 4 different Doulas from that same hospital. They filed criminal charges with the RCMP in Vancouver. All 13 women had taken the BIOWEAPON.

Dr Daniel Nagase says he started to notice in the fall of 2020 the strange STREET LIGHTS on the Provincial main border crossings (Trans Canada HWY#1) between BC & Alberta giving off a bluish hue light. He says Ultra Violet light is used to see if something has been successfully genetically spliced used on animals. This is what they use in the Molecular splicing world to see if a genetic splicing had been successful.

Dr Nagase mentions some RED FLAGS he noticed about Dr Robert Malone early on in their zoom calls and the Ron Johnson hearings. There are things that Dr Malone doesn't like people talking about and seems to only want people to focus on the vax injuries.

Dr Nagase mentions that Canadian Lawyers have to be members of the BAR and the BAR sits under the CROWN so every Lawyer in Canada technically swears an oath to the crown (To King Charles 3rd). Says every Canadian lawyer traps his client in whatever jurisdiction the crown wants. (Side Note: Cliff High represented himself against Cory Goode who sued him and when Clif got to court he asked the judge what law Jurisdiction it was and then said he wanted his case to be under another law jurisdiction (More favorable to him) and the Judge throw out the case so Clif High won).

Dr Nagase gets a bit into this legal advice saying it will scare the pants off of whoever is suing you VEXATIOUSLY like a frivolous lawsuit. Your lawyer may not want to do this but a MARITIME or COMMERCIAL lawyer will want to take your case and what you HAVE TO DO is write a CAPITALIZED warning. CAPITALIZATION means you INTEND to turn your words into CAPITAL$$ which is MONEY$$. You have to give your plaintiff who is attacking/suing you 3 WARNINGS in CAPITAL LETTERS saying please "Cease and desist" as you don't have any reason to come after me and are just suing me VEXATIOUSLY (You have to use that word!). After 3 warnings in CAPITAL LETTERS you have given them notice where you plan to turn your use of WORDS into MONEY$$. In Canada it is called a "BILL OF EXCHANGE". You then attach a DOLLAR VALUE$$ to every CAPITAL WORD you wrote like $100,000 per CAPITAL WORD charge. This is a bill of exchange and I am CHARGING$$ you for failing to heed the warnings. Any response from the plaintiff means AGREEMENT TO THAT BILL. If it amounts to $100 million and you know that person can't pay it you can SELL this agreement to a commercial lawyer for 10 cents on the dollar and they will try to collect the money.

Things are looking grim in any of the CROWN COUNTRIES like Canada, Australia, NZ, UK, etc...

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