The 5G War Against Humanity

1 year ago

The type of unconventional warfare that's being waged against humanity by the financial, economic, and political elite can be best described as "5th Generation Warfare."
In this interview, Dr. Robert Malone MD, MS, an expert in medicine and science, will explain the scope and nature of the tactics that are now being used against us, not only by our criminal, illegitimate, occupational government in D.C. and by the FCC licensed FAKEstream media outlets which serve as little more than PSYWAR propaganda delivery systems for the District of Criminals, but also by social media giants such as Fakebook, Google, which were actually funded by U.S. intelligence agency investment fronts such as In-Q-Tel at start-up. So, technically, the U.S. government--itself a corporation since 1871--actually has an ownership stake in these Big Tech intelligence fronts.
These unconventional warfare techniques are also being used against us by almost all of the Fortune 500 corporations and the thousands of NGOs, all of which are owned and/or controlled by just thirteen central banking families, the "Thirteen Families," I call them (by and through investment fronts such as Vanguard, BlackRock, State Street, and Berkshire Hathaway) who seized control of our nation's monetary system in 1913, and then spent the next 110 plus years buying up the world and our governments, our media, and our education systems, using the unlimited amounts of counterfeit, fiat currency they were given license to create during that pivotal year of world history.
It is these inbred families, who's bloodlines reach all the way back to Antiquity, and their agents who are currently waging this war against humanity. It is they who are executing a multi-generational plan to herd humanity into the Technocratic hellhole that they call their "New World Order."
In a nutshell, folks, until we return our nation to an honest monetary system (think a gold and silver and/or Bitcoin system), the kind of monetary system demanded by our Constitution, and remove the ability of these oligarchs to counterfeit worthless, nonredeemable currency that is only the "ghost of money," as George Washington once said, the noose that's being placed around humanity's neck will only grow tighter and tighter every day, until soon, there will be no hope of escape and human freedom will die.
See my related article "The Thirteen Families"...

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