99 & 100.. The forbidden episodes!

2 years ago

So… suddenly episodes 99 & 100 of the GCP are GONE from the YouTube listing… What happened??!?!

Ken & Eric explain how and why their approach to honesty & altruism, but using data and quotes from experts, ultimately had their episodes removed!

So.. CHECK OUT the NEW ADDITIONAL HOME for GCP video at Rumble.com

Search for “Gut Check Project”, be certain to click subscribe. If you are new to Rumble, it’s essentially what YoutUbe once was, a place for free thought and expression.

The GCP will continue to publish episodes on YouTube for the time being, but now as more controversial topics emerge, some of those simply will not be published on YouTube. You can ALWAYS find our episodes on Rumble.

Please LIKE & SHARE and thank you for joining us on the GCP!

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