Matthew: The Beatitudes - Part 3

2 years ago

We now begin to explore the first discourse of Christ in Matthew
called the Sermon on the Mount. (chapters 5-7) Remember this is the
first of five discourses or teachings presented by Christ in Matthew.
The other four are the sending forth of the apostles (chapter 10),
parables of the kingdom (chapter 13), teaching on kingdom
relationships (chapter 18), and the Olivet Discourse (chapters 24, 25).
Some non-evangelical scholars have argued that one must live the
tenets of the Sermon on the Mount in order to be saved. In other
words, they espouse a works for salvation position. Nothing could be
farther from the truth of God’s word. According to over 160 passages
in the New Testament, a person is saved by grace through faith apart
from works. This is succinctly stated in Ephesians 2:8, 9 where we
read, “For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of
yourselves, it is the gift of god; not as a result of works, so that no one
may boast”.
Another position stated by hyper-dispensationalists is that the Sermon
on the Mount does not apply to us today. They say it was only for
Jews being offered the Kingdom at that time. However, most
evangelical scholars believe it is applicable for us today. Truth be
told, even a casual reading of this great sermon by Christ reveals that
without the grace of God, it is impossible to follow each instruction. I
can’t help but think that Matthew, by including this material in his
book, was once again saying to his readers, “look Jesus is not just a
man. He is The Messiah, The King of Kings and Lord of Lords”.
After all, Christ perfectly lived every word of His sermon. Turn in
your Bibles to Matthew 5: 1-12.

Pastor Jeff Nyberg, Ph.D.

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