Lee County GOP Ban the Jab Resolution Closing Comments

2 years ago

Closing Comments before the vote by the Lee County Florida Republican Party to ban the jab. Vote passed with 80-90% of the vote.

Ban the Jab Resolution:

Whereas strong and credible evidence exists that Covid 19 and Covid 19 injections are biological and technological weapons,

Whereas Pfizer’s clinical data revealed 1223 deaths, 42,000 adverse cases, 158,000 adverse incidents, and approximately 1,000 side effects,

Whereas an enormous number of humans have died and or have been permanently disabled,

Whereas strong and credible evidence exists that Covid mRNA shots alter human DNA,

Whereas government agencies, media and tech companies, and other corporations, have committed enormous fraud by claiming Covid injections are safe and effective,

Whereas a statewide grand jury is investigating Covid vaccine crimes,

Whereas continued experimentation on humans and denial of informed consent are violations of the Nuremberg Code and therefore constitute crimes against humanity,

Be it Further Resolved:
On behalf of the preservation of the human race, the Lee County Republican Party calls upon Governor DeSantis and the state legislature to prohibit the sale and distribution of Covid injections and all mRNA injections in the state of Florida, and for the state Attorney General to immediately seize all Covid injections and mRNA injections in the state of Florida and have a forensic analysis conducted.

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