Feb 26, 2016 ❤️ Jesus says... Expect Me to answer you, if you have Questions

1 year ago

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Expect Me to answer you, if you have Questions

February 26, 2016 – Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Jesus) “In My arms, you can be totally at home and rest. I love to saturate your mind with Holy thoughts, with peace, with understanding of the Scriptures and the profound love I have for you. For far too long I have been seen as a bird, yet truly I am made in the image of a man, not with feathers, but with flesh and skin, just like you. For We have made you in Our Image, and We long to enter into a deep abiding relationship with you thru worship and holy conversations. (We means the Trinity)

“My heart is to instruct and edify each of you, keeping you company and companionship as it is written of Me, when Jesus said, and I will ask the Father, and He will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever. These things I have spoken to you while abiding with you. But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you. (John 14:24-26)

“Do not be afraid to approach Me. Don’t you realize I am with you always, speaking to you constantly, arranging circumstances in your lives from moment to moment and even giving you the right words and attitudes when you need counsel.

“When you lose something, call upon My help. When you face situations beyond your sphere of understanding, ask of Me and I shall give to you liberally, all you need.

“So many, many times, you are listening to Me but thinking it is the voice in your own mind, when in fact I am infusing you with My understanding. Expect Me to answer you when you have questions. Expect Me to help you find things. Expect Me to coach you through situations and even start your car when it stalls, send someone to help you when you have a flat, inspire others to extend help when it is needed. All you need to do is ask! I’m right here with you.

“You see – I, too, am with you always. We are inseparable, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Where one is, so is the other. There is no hour in the day or night that I am not with you and even speaking to you. Learn to recognize My presence that is continually with you. I rush on My servants with knowledge, wisdom, prophecy, virtue, and so many other things, too numerous to mention. Why? Because you NEED Me, because I was promised to you, and God never breaks His promise.

“The only reservation you should have concerning Me is not to ever grieve Me. Yes, truly I am a gentleman and gossip, impure conversation, bearing false witness, stealing and sexual sins I can not bear to be around and so I withdraw from those who practice these things. I am ever so sensitive to the wounding of other souls, when they are not present to defend themselves or even at all. I hate to see anyone hurt. I am so easily grieved by talk about My vessels unto honor and when you begin that kind of detraction, I have no other recourse than to withdraw from you.

“So please, do not run Me off. Watch your heart particularly carefully. Watch what you listen to and look at. Keep your mind pure, keep your thoughts pure. Avoid judging others. Your heart should be a dwelling fit for Me.”

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