Superman's Man of Steel Animated PSMC / Kodi Skin

2 years ago

(Skip the first 2 minutes to pass the skin animations) This video shows PSMC's Superman's Man of Steel skin made for PSMC (or Kodi). It has been updated to now work with v19 and v20. It shows just some of what this skin can do after you install it and set it up to your liking. Configurations are endless! -- Install instructions are below --

THIS IS NOT A BUILD, it only a skin (theme).

Originally designed for PSMC v18 from the Aeon-Non Sylvo skin, with quite a few modifications. I've updated it to work with newer versions of PSMC and Kodi.

PSMC skins are some of the few that have ANIMATIONS on the main screen (that can be toggle on/off of course).

I originally designed theses for my grandson, but they are awesome for kids, both young and old (please ask permission if you wish to use one of my skins in a build).

Just install the PSMC repo to get this or any of the other PSMC skins and addons.

Information to install the PSMC repository can be found on the GitHub:


If you're into Gaming emulation check out what I do over on the PSGC channel -

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The Papaw

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