The Muskrat Power Animal

1 year ago
Hello friends and welcome to the healing world of power animals. Today we’ll look at the muskrat. The muskrat is found in wetlands, marshes, and along the banks of rivers, lakes, and streams all over North America. They’re medium-sized, with brown fur, small ears, and a long, scaly tail. The hard-working muskrat is primarily vegetarian, feeding mostly on aquatic plants. With webbed feet, they’re excellent swimmers and can stay underwater for up to 20 minutes.

Muskrats are named for the musky odor that is secreted to mark their pathways and perimeter around their homes. They’re active during the day but especially at night. Muskrats are highly social, living and working together in large families. The female muskrat produces litters of 3 to 8 young kits after a gestation period of just 1 month. Their kits grow fast and are able to swim and feed themselves after only 30 days.

The industrious muskrat is a master builder and can create complex lodges using materials from their environment. In fact, they know how to reuse and recycle the resources around them. The organized muskrat has the gift of creating order out of chaos. They get so involved in their projects that they lose all sense of time and what’s happening around them. But they always find solutions to their problems to achieve their goals.

Humble and cooperative, the muskrat is a symbol for adaptability, creativity, and transformation. Call on their spirit when you’re facing any challenge or difficulty. Visit our website for a free power animal reading and to learn how spirit animals can improve your life. Thank you and have a great day.

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