Emergency Energy Options & Conspiracy Facts

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In this video, we'll be discussing emergency power options for preppers. As a prepper, it's essential to have a reliable power source in case of an emergency or natural disaster. We'll be exploring various power options that you can use to keep your lights on and devices charged when the grid goes down.

We'll talk about alternative power sources like wind turbines, hydroelectric generators, and even human-powered generators. While these options may not be as practical for everyday use, they can be invaluable in an emergency situation.

During the Rumble only portion of the show, we will explore how some conspiracy theories have become facts over time. Conspiracy theories have been around for centuries, some of which have been proven true, while others remain mere speculation.

Quite a few “conspiracy theories” seem to have become conspiracy facts lately. Is this because there is more covering up and more gaslighting?

Watch on Rumble

As we did last week and will be moving forward, the show's second half will be exclusively on Rumble. This is because of the restrictions put into place by YouTube about “acceptable topics” and what they deem “misinformation.” Click the link below to watch the full video on Rumble.


The Bug Out Location: https://thebugoutlocation.com/
The SHTFShop: https://shtfshop.com/

Organic Prepper: “Conspiracy Theories” Already Proven True in 2023 https://www.theorganicprepper.com/conspiracy-theories-gaslighting/

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