Joe Oltmann and Toresays react to tracybeanz' Thaler-Bregman thread

1 year ago

Oltmann: "What if they advance the truth through Thaler because he is the perfect villain from a credibility standpoint, but he's also... telling the truth. What if he's telling the truth but they want to discredit all the eyeballs. Because I know they're on this deed issue in CO a year ago. In the last three days I've uncovered massive amounts of this mortgage deeds fraud among some prominent figures in CO, on both sides of the aisle btw R's and D's. What if it's true but in order to discredit it ... he becomes the perfect fall guy so people stop looking at the way that they're laundering money through mortgages?"

Toresays: "Exactly my point. We should be looking at the people who are targeting the people, because the Truth stands on its own it needs no defending. If you can't kill the facts, why are you killing the messenger? It's message over messenger always. And Beanz does this all the time, we had those nice guys the Brunson brothers..."

Perhaps the dialogue was coordinated to get ahead of the media smear machine, well we won't ever know that. So Beanz and Pulitzer are attacking Thuler's character, lumping some questionable arguments together with the letter from Child Support enforcement that Thaler said was from the AG. Pulitzer made a compelling case, albeit with some flawed arguments. When he posts the edited Q&A with feedback removed, I'll upload it with his follow-up criticism. I don't expect there'll be any trick edits but feel free to check.

Whatever Beanz' faults, UDC has covered more election fraud than any large site besides Gateway Pundit. Her thread is at

#joeoltmann #toresays #toremaras #thaler #johnthaler

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