Worldwide Bill Gates is being accused of Pandemic Fraud and Vaccine Murder

1 year ago

GATES VACCINE DEATHS: Worldwide Bill Gates is being accused of Pandemic Fraud and Vaccine Murder. India has two vaccine murder cases against him. In the Italian Parliament he is accused of depopulation and called a criminal. In the U.S. he is accused of mass negligent homicide.
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Evidence also shows that he knew the mRNA vaccines would cause injury and death, but kept this hidden from the world and ordered Trump in 2016 and 2017 not to investigate the dangerous side effects of vaccines which are now causing catastrophic injury and death around the world.

Bill Gates along with Fauci, CDC, FDA and others said the Covid mRNA Vaccines only stay in the injection site which was a deliberate lie because he knew the spike protein and lipid nanoparticles would pass the blood brain barrier and travel throughout the body into the brain, heart, fetus and even into the brain of the fetus.

Before the Covid mRNA vaccines were released we have criminal evidence from Bill Gates own mouth that he was working on a new vaccine technology (mRNA) that would pass through the vaccinated pregnant mother into the womb and into her breast milk causing injury and death to the baby by the toxic lipid nanoparticles and lethal spike proteins.

In Europe after the approval of the Covid Vaccines for children there has been a 755% increase in excessive deaths amongst innocent children. The Covid Vaccines are causing tremendous amounts of death and injury in young women of reproductive age, pregnant women and in newborns. Population control is working.

In India's High Court Bill Gates and Adar Poonawalla are accused of being habitual offenders of earning profits by selling vaccines with death causing side effects and therefore, they are in the category of "Mass Murderers". The minimum punishment for such offenses is the death penalty as stated by the attorney.

A two year international criminal investigation reveals Bill Gates is guilty of helping to create a pandemic using his power and influence with Tedros and the World Health Organization in order to force inject the entire population with the experimental Covid vaccines that are neither safe nor effective, but are now killing large numbers of people.

The two year investigation also revealed Bill Gates desire to depopulate the planet and control the remaining population through digital ID and digital vaccine passports with the help of Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum.

Dr. Peter McCullough demands a worldwide stop to all the Covid vaccines and recommends the Bill Gates Foundation, World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, U.S. Government, Pharmaceutical Suppliers and others be charged with illegal advertising, fraud and mass negligent homicide.

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