March 20, 1998 grove city Ohio his brother & 2 investors, or Cracker Barrel poisoned Stanley Meyer?

1 year ago

he never proved or demonstrated his device actually worked at all
& a court found Meyer had committed "gross and egregious fraud"
& ordered him to repay the two investors their $25,000 & the patents expired
he had a high blood pressure caused brain aneurysm that killed him
at a Cracker Barrel in grove city Ohio on March 20, 1998 with his brother
& 2 Belgian investors in spite of his neck pain induced exclamation,
"They poisoned me" no poison was found in the food or stanley meyer

list of brain aneurysm symptoms that his fans lie about include
sudden agonizing headache , sudden confusion, a stiff neck or neck pain,
sensitivity to light, blurred or double vision, loss of consciousness, fits (seizures) ,
weakness on 1 side of the body or in any limbs ,& or just feeling or being sick in many cases

Neck pain and/or stiffness in the neck is a common complaint of people who have ruptured
brain aneurysms as blood accumulates in the spinal fluid around the base of the brain

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