Juan O Savin | Duality Is Killing Us

1 year ago

Juan O Savin | Duality Is Killing Us

About the video:
Introducing my next guest, an anomaly, about whom many have conjectured regarding his identity and role in "The Plan To Save The World."
Although I have my own conclusions and assumptions, I can tell you from my one-on-one and face-to-face interactions with him that he is a man of deep faith and conviction, a patriot, and unwavering in his mission to bring hope and awaken the masses. This interview is a rare opportunity to dive deep into a dream and premonition from 2020 and how its prophetic message is unfolding before our eyes. Without further ado, I present to you Juan O Savin
Written by the publisher

Duality Is Killing Us
Dying In Duality
Heaven or Hell
Good or Bad
God vs Satan

Let’s start back in the Garden. A lot of what we’re dealing with today is a reflection of what happened in the beginning of the Hueman race.

One day God came looking for His people. Finding Adam and Eve crouching behind some bushes.
God says to them. “What’s going on? How come you didn’t answer when I called for you?
“Well, we’re naked!” Says Adam. “We were afraid.”
And in quick succession; Eve pipes-up. “And the Devil made me-us do it.”
God looks at Adam and Eve. “Hey, wait a moment. Who told you, you were naked?”
God is like a good lawyer, he never asks a question to which he doesn’t already know the answer. Being a lawgiver he could smell fear, even before he saw Adam.

Told in a textually correct Biblical version without my additional words.
Genesis 3:1-13

Tasting the forbidden fruit. Need I go in to detail about coitus.
For more information from a previous Rumble.

Drop-kicked out of the Garden, Adam and Eve were putout of the Garden because of two primary charges filed against our dashing duo; the Darlings of the Garden. Our Grand and Grandam, Our Grandad and Grandmama,
The senior Adam and Eve.
And we have been putout ever since.

1. Falsifying the record by lying about the intent by saying. “They saw themselves as naked, but did not know why.”

2. Aiding an abetting a known fugitive, a reprobate from the Universal Law. Satan, aka Lucifer, aka Angel of Light.

Then God begins consulting with himself. Like you’ve never done this?

Quickly, get them OUT of the Garden!
Before they are tricked into eating of the Tree of Life.
If they do that, they will live forever, stuck in this miserable state of being a slave in a duality.

[A Matrix]
[A Slave World]
[A Lying World]
[A Demon World]
[A Machine World]
[A Mockery World]
[A Scientific World]
[A Magician’s World]
[A Murderous World]
[A Materialistic World]

Genesis 3:22

God knew what this new timeline would require; “a work-around”.
The Cross.

Dr Steve Turley
Joe Rogan Dr Jordan Peterson
The Cross

The Truth of who really are, and the truth of; who is the Christ Consciousness. To then live according to the Law of Love in a Fallen/Duality world.
When you come into the presence of the person, Yashua the Christ Consciousness you are truly set free.
Always in present tense.

Little Richard
It’s Real

Now the scripture without my brackets and explanatory notes. Please do not read my explanations only. The Word of God read aloud in your ear is a powerful tool to help you break free of the duality.
John 8:31-32 AMP - The Truth Will Make You Free - Bible Gateway

Whereas we are now talking about moving out of the old rundown area of the Duality neighborhood.
I have heard people say about tasting the tree of Good and Evil. We need to know good and evil so we can discern the difference.

There is nothing worth knowing or redeeming about “being partakers of the Evil of beastiality.”

During that time, in our early development, I believe we were not spiritually ready to comprehend the difference between good and evil. God wanted train his children up in the Way we should go.
Reference Proverbs 22:6

Duality is what makes a man commit treason. He believes he is countering bad people.

Duality makes a man cozy up to his boss and out of his presence he runs him down.

Duality makes a man preserve his reputation for the cameras and yet commits the most heinous crimes in the dark.

Duality is what makes a man be kind to his friends and yell at the wife and kick the dog and the kids too.

Duality is what makes a woman yell at the kids all day or her subordinates, with oaths and curses, and bitch at her man when he comes home from work.

Duality is what brings misunderstandings between Huemans.

It takes discipline to recognize your feelings for what they are; projected by another being who reaps the Loosh.

I have way dealing with things that come into my mind.
Instead of the traditional Accept or Reject equation.
Which is additional Duality.

Instead I Recognize or I Accept
I admit that feeling is there
I perceive that feeling is there
I recognize that feeling is there
Disassociate yourself from your feelings. Your preferences. And yes, even your likes and dislikes.

It is precisely because of the duality that we see the world through a duality of black and white.
The reason each level in the Mason’s is called a degree. The initiate is taken into evil by little bits climbing the evil pyramid to Hueman sacrifice. All of it filmed for the enjoyment and for blackmail later-on.
That’s whats got all the Elites all freaked-out about the Lo Lita Express flight logs. There is a corresponding video!

Love Is The Answer
Message to Humanity from Vyper.

It seems to me if we, as those who have decided for living in a Christ Consciousness – Love Supreme Universe.

The converse may be true for the polar opposite for the Satanist.
An Antichrist Consciousness – Hate Supreme Universe

Awakening is terrifying to us because precious few of us posses Christ Consciousness-Awakened Man.
Jesus showed us the Way.

We are talking about transitioning out of this sin soddened world and into world WITHOUT willful transgression of a known Law of God.

That is the Biblical definition of sin. To know something to be wrong, and thumb your nose at God, as much to say. “You can’t do a damn thing about it.” That is duality.

And God has bound himself to a universe of law. God can work outside of Natural Law, but God will not not work outside of the Moral Law – outside the Law of Love. Why? The entire system is built upon Love of God and Love your neighbor as yourself.
God is not driven by every wind of doctrine. God never changes his mind about you.
God did not give your title deeds to Earth away to some other population. These title deeds continue to be ours. Huemanity’s!
God is not about to change His mind about good and evil either

James 1:17
For He is perfect and never changes

Song Leaders
It’s just like his great love

We live in a duality of information.
The alternative media has articles and pictures of UFOs and Aliens every day.
Then the mainstream media denies Reptilian Alien agenda every day, while giving UFOs a wink-and-a-nod.

Sister Rosetta Tharp
Jesus is everywhere

We’re talking about the next world, the next life, we’re taking about moving on.

We can’t take this world’s devices, this world’s thinking, of this world’s dualism into the next realm.

When our time is done in this dimension, I don’t want take the world’s way of evaluating, this world’s way of looking at a situation.

Positive or Negative
Akashic Language of 1 or 0
The ugly and the beautiful,
The good and the bad
The positive and the negative
God or Satan
All or Nothing
Nick or Nothings

The Bells Of Joy
Do Lord Remember Me

I want to live where God reigns supreme. Where there is no manipulator behind the curtain turning every thing into a money quotient, or turns everything into a base and low sexual innuendo. Where men are slaves to their extraordinary pursuits.

I want to live in a society who promotes the Savior and free men of good repute.

Laura Aboli
Dropped in the middle of the biggest badass survival test ever conceived.

Recognize Or Accept
Are you either hot or cold.
Revelation 3:15

When we no longer accept the carrot and stick point of view of the World.

When you see the world as everything is connected, you are beginning to awaken.

When we see the Bible is written to those who are living in a duality. Us.

We are in living a prison, of the making of the Chimera’s magic. A limited existence, life that is neither hot nor cold.

I realize preachers and evangelists in the past gave further evidence of a duality of those who have left their first Love.

Adding another category of the lost and condemned to hell, as those who are ‘backsliders’.
No no no, not here! You are a Child of your Maker or you are not.

That’s why making an emotional call to Repentance to “Accept Christ”; later on becomes a difficulty for the newly minted Christian.
They will bear an emotional scar for the rest of their walk-in Christ Consciousness.
The enemy will use this emotional channel to condemn the newly minted Christ-son or Christ-daughter.
The enemy called “Fear” will slip up unaware like. “You will never be good enough.” Or some-such self defeating statement of Fear.
Once the victim figures out the trick and sees the Magician.

The Matrix Is Real

You are not going to stop having duality in your feelings.

You may recognize or accept those feelings.

The bane of being a sensitive person is the guilt you place on yourself. Don’t do it, please.

Duality is like a Manic Depressant a
Bi-polar personality which can be extremely frustrating.

You believe you live in duality
If you think things are going good, you have to believe they will go bad.

People who are drug/alcohol dependent, live in the realm of:
I knew things were going to good.
I was waiting for the hammer to drop.
If you think in this way, even though you may have never used drugs; but you may be an addictive personality type.
That is not necessarily a bad thing.
You may be the person works hard for 22 hours then has to crash for 12 hours, like Gene DeCode.

When you can moderate or cancel your feelings you are beginning to be a Light Being

Everything is connected but our mind shows us duality.

Duality will shove us from pillar to post. You begin to feel like pinball in pinball machine. The old mechanical type.

The Who
Pinball Wizard

When realize everything we are experiencing is God. We will no longer need evil as a counterweight as an opposite of God.
There is only our need for God.
That is Heaven.

When we as a WWG1WGA realize that is when we as a people will ascend. (NDE Scare Event)?

Quit Trying To Hit Me

“Your Mind Makes It Real” Feelings and emotions are what make the lies of the enemy “real”. To get us to sin Satan must first get us to feel a certain way. He seeks to use our feelings and emotions against us.

James 1:14-15

Without the feelings/emotions backing them up, Satan's lies and temptations lose their power over us.

Earth must be a plethora of Loosh, to be picked over like chocolates in a variety pack for the Aliens who consume it.

Managing our Emotional States is one of the keys to escaping the satanic matrices of the enemy.

Physiology – Managing emotions by changing how you act, behave, move, breathe, talk, etc. Anchoring – Any stimulus that consistently triggers thoughts, feelings and behaviors.

Look at your emotions
Recognize or acceptance
Have you had these thoughts in the past. What did you do or not do?.

In response to someone’s point of view.
I can appreciate that point of view.
That does not mean I accept their point of view.

Without the feelings/emotions backing them up, Satan's lies and temptations lose their power over you.
By A Hero’s Journey
“There was something formless yet complete
That existed before heaven and earth.
How still! How empty!
Dependent upon nothing, unchanging,
All-pervading, unfailing.
One may think of it as the ‘Mother’ of all things under heaven.
I do not know its name.
But I call it ‘Meaning’.
If I had to give it a name, I should call it ‘The Great’.
~ Lau Tzu

The Greeks called it ‘The Good’, but that gives rise to dualistic thoughts of Good & Evil (I.e. duality).

It is the ‘Tao’.
The ‘unus mundus’ (the ‘one-world’).
The Whol(y)E.

What Lao Tzu is pointing to is what all the non-dual, God-realised avatars have expressed (including Christ): that God is that undifferentiated zero point which gives rise to and becomes every other “thing”.

God is both Creator and created, Dreamer and Dream.
And that includes YOU.”
~ A Hero’s Journey
Pink Floyd

Free Your Mind

By Benjamin Fulford
The surrender of the Rothschilds and the collapse of the Rockefeller stranglehold over the United States of America Corporation will allow us all to live like millionaires during the upcoming golden age of hydrogen. This is the big story behind all the news about the US debt limit being reached, the defeat of Ukraine and the takedown of the fake Biden regime.

“The Rockefellers have used their control (via over 200 foundations) of the Fortune 500 companies to hide the fact they are the real masterminds behind the war in Ukraine, the attempted vaccine genocide and much more. They are now being thrown under the bus.
~ Benjamin Fulford - January 23rd 2023: End of Rockefeller rule and the ...
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Pink Floyd
Empty Spaces
Societal Materialism

Janis Joplin
Mercedes Benz
Satire of Materialistic Christians.

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