Russell Brand Calls Out MSNBC's Hypocrisy On COVID On Bill Maher

1 year ago

On a recent episode of HBO's Bill Maher, comedian and activist Russell Brand called out MSNBC for their biases and their role as a mouthpiece for their affiliate owners in Blackrock and Vanguard. While acknowledging the biases on Fox News, Brand argued that it was disingenuous to suggest that MSNBC operated differently.

Brand went on to describe his own experience appearing on MSNBC's Morning Joe, which he described as "absurd" and lacking in basic journalistic tenets. He criticized the network for failing to support genuine American heroes like Edward Snowden and Julian Assange, who he believed were trying to bring real journalism to the American people.

In response to Brand's criticisms, MSNBC host John Fugelsang challenged him to provide a specific example of an MSNBC anchor or correspondent knowingly saying something false on air. Brand cited the network's treatment of Joe Rogan and Rachel Maddow's comments on the effectiveness of a vaccine as examples of biased reporting.

However, the debate ultimately shifted to a larger issue - the need for systemic change in American politics. Brand argued that true change could only come about if money was taken out of politics and new political systems were put in place to represent ordinary Americans.

While Brand's criticisms of MSNBC may be seen as controversial, they raise important questions about the role of media in shaping public opinion and the need for more transparency and accountability in journalism.

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