Buzz says we didn't go to the moon

2 years ago

If you went to the moon, why would you tell a little girl that you didn't? Just putting it out there. Wouldn't you be proud of what you did rather than answer as he did? On the flip side, what is he really trying to say then to this girl by saying we didn't go there? When taken into context of all the other information, it certainly seems like a topic that should be investigated more. Although, when you convince people you can call the moon from a landline phone, it begs even more questions about the overall gullibility of the people.

NASA says they lost the original footage. Other people say they don't have the technology to go back to the moon. Declassified documents in the early 70s say that they are measuring the firmament and don't know the circumference of the earth. How is that if we already went to the moon, and we should "know" that the earth is a globe and that the firmament doesn't exist? You can't have it both ways.

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