Concert Resume: #46 Highly Suspect w/ Bones U.K.

1 year ago

Concert #46 was a trip as me and my friend Zack saw the MCID team in Philadelphia at Union Transfer. Highly Suspect is a band I have alot of history with. Their first album "Mister Asylum" (2015) was a monster hit and I was able to interview Rich Myer during their grammy run. With the release of the "Boy Who Died Wolf" I had a very big opportunity as I interviewed Ryan Myer on their tour bus at the Venue. My only regret is I didn't smoke with Ryan after the interview. Considering it would of been my first time "High" theres no telling what would of happened lol.

This was in fact the first time I was able to see the band perform and they didn't disappoint. Listen in how I have the original versions of" Lydia" and "BloodFeather", loosing my long time knife, and how great the band was. Like, Share, and Sub.

Check Out My interview w/ Ryan Myer:

Check Out My Interview with Rich Myer:

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0:00-1:11- Their First Album is called "Mister Asylum" (2015)
18:24-Lydia live @ Union Transfer Philly

All music, pictures, and videos on this video belong to their respected owners. John the Ninja receives no compensation from the alternate links that are promoting any entities other than John the Ninja's media. This video is for entertainment purposes only.

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