PTR91 (G3, HK91) Suppressed vs Unsuppressed. Dead Air Sandman K

2 years ago

Did anyone ask for this? No. But I had a camera and a PTR91.
As usual the captured audio doesn't do the suppressor justice. It did significantly reduce the sound signature as well as soften the recoil impulse. For such a short can (info below) I don't think you could ask for much more.

Firearm: PTR91 (.308).
Suppressor: Dead Air Silencers SandmanK with E-Brake.
Mount: Dead Air Silencers KeyMo Flash Hider.

I will definitely be shooting this weapon in the future setup like this. Battle-rifles are loud. Everyone knows that. I'm not going to start chasing decibels by putting a larger can on it. Let's keep it as short as possible and knock the edge off of it. That's what I say.

What can would you pair with a 308 battle-file?

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