The antichrist beast world is here!! Are you for Jesus or not

1 year ago

Walmart and other stores are self checkout now and no cashier's or cash, the antichrist beast world is here and ready to go after the rapture happens, you are either for Jesus or for Satan, those who got the vaccines are spiritually dead now and lost forever, they will not be allowed into heaven or the New jersalem at all, they belong to Satan forever, those who got the vaccines even so called pastors and church members will all be left behind, Jesus will not take them at all, He doesn't support the vaccines or masks at all, He is against it and those who got them turned their back on God and got the vaccines and worship it now, they are slaves of Satan forever and spiritually dead, they will all be killed by Jesus when He returns after the tribulation period ends and birds of prey will eat these rotten people and they will be in the lake of fire forever, churches are so dead and pastors do nothing at all, church members go to these man made churches and get fed rotten dead food all the time and never leave, they love the church traditions, pagan holidays, and do not want God to mess up their traditions at all, church building doesn't save you, being a church member does nothing, listening to a man does nothing, they will not judge you but God!! People who go to church are lost if they never accepted Jesus at all, they are just like the pharisees who put robes on and act like they are better than everyone and so perfect and good and Jesus called the stuck up well dressed self righteous religious crowd in His day and does it again, He calls them brood of vipers and hypocrites you love your long prayers for attention and give your money but neglect the poor, the widow's, the outcasts, you travel land and sea and make someone trice the son of hell as you are, there are still pharisees in churches today they think all their good works and going to church all the time is good enough and look down on everyone who is not like them or have kids in Christian school and colleges and go on every mission trip, every Sunday church service and do all the stuff they think saves them, there will be lots of angry and sad people who went to church all their lives and get left behind!! Even pastors will get left behind if they did not preach from the bible and made stuff up and twisted God word to what they want, like giving out the vaccines, wearing a mask, allowing gross naked gays lesbians and trans inside the churches, drag queens, abortion murderers, huge rock worship bands, saying everything is ok God wants you to be rich and live your better life now, never talks about sin or repentance at all, says all faiths can go to heaven, is so woke that the gay sex flag is hung outside the church, black kill murderers sign outside, we welcome all faiths, we support Ukraine, these apostate dead dens of thieves will all answer to God, the pastors and members who go to these wicked den of thieves will, you are either for Jesus or against God!!

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